Pa Governor Asked to Conduct Drone Hearings

If you are in Pennsylvania, read this note and use the template to ask our Governor to hold hearings on the Horsham Drone site.


Eliminate the Drone War Command Center in Horsham and All Drone War Activities in Pennsylvania!

Representatives of the Pennsylvania Interfaith Network Against Drone Warfare met with two members of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s policy and planning staff at the Capitol in Harrisburg on April 13 to press for public hearings about emerging drone warfare activities in Pennsylvania including the imminent operation of a drone warfare command center at Horsham, Pennsylvania—matters of imminent and critical importance not only to the citizens of Pennsylvania but also to all of God’s creation.

To support this initiative, please e-mail your version of the following message as soon as you can to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf at with copies to members of his policy and planning staff who met with the Network on April 13—Mark W. Smith at and Michael Chang at

Dear Governor Wolf–

As Pennsylvania’s new Governor, you’ve already accomplished a lot including your earlier announced moratorium on the death penalty. Your actions suggest that you and your staff have what is necessary to address another issue of impending and critical importance to the citizens of the Commonwealth—emerging drone warfare activities in Pennsylvania.

Since March, 2013, the U.S. Air Force has been developing a drone warfare command center at the Air Guard Station in Horsham, Pennsylvania. I understand that it is scheduled to become fully operational sometime during this calendar year. (…/demonstration-at-horsham-…/)

From Horsham, drone operators will conduct remote-controlled drone attack missions, launching Hellfire missiles against people thousands of miles away. Drone operators are currently being trained for the command center in Horsham. I am also concerned about the Fort Indiantown Gap headquarters of the Pennsylvania Guard/Air National Guard where drone training operations are being conducted and surveillance drones are being deployed.…/…

To date there have been no public hearings for Pennsylvania citizens and state authorities to address these emerging drone warfare activities at either of these locations or related drone warfare developments in the Commonwealth. In the interest of democracy and morality, I am asking you to initiate these hearings. I am addressing this concern to you because I believe that you have responsibility as Governor of Pennsylvania for the pressing reality of emerging drone warfare activities in Pennsylvania operating within a state agency under your direction—the Pennsylvania Air National Guard.

As one opposing drone warfare, I continue to encourage you to initiate public hearings regarding this ominous development in Pennsylvania.

(Your Name)