Soul Care—Liz McAlister’s Witness for Nuclear Disarmament 6/11/20

The call for a redirection of funding from police to community welfare, from war to peace, has been sounded courageously by Liz McAlister for many years.  

Her sentencing on Monday for protesting the Trident Submarine weapon of mass destruction inspired her daughter Frida Berrigan to write this message to the judge and all who will listen to a plea for justice  As society’s response to McAlister’s plea for humanity she was sentenced to “time served” (17 months) and a fine of $25 a month (a relatively low figure because of her poverty) to pay on a fine of $30,000, the total levied against the seven activists. 
I hope you will read Frida’s statement and add your voice in some way to stand in solidarity with those who feel the threat of the pandemic of nuclear weapons.  
John K. Stoner 6/11/20