Soul Care–Look, But Do Not Fear 5/1/20

 Jesus often said “Fear not,” but I do not know that he ever said “Look not.”  

Over the years Michael Moore has invited the public to look at a number of things, most recently at the ecological abyss into which we stare.  I recommend his new movie, “Planet of the Humans” online at

As I have said before in this email/blog series, the current focus on CORVID—19 must not cause us to forget all else about our world.  The sustainability of our planet continues to hang in the balance, and failing or refusing to look will not change the fact that earth-care decisions and practices which emerge after CORVID-19 will decide our fate. 

So I hope you will view “Planet of the Humans” and share your thoughts as we continue to seek to care for ourselves and our planet inextricably and all together.
Remain human, (a thought from Mazin Qumsiyeh ,) 