Soul/self care in hard times 3/29/20

Good morning, friends,
Before going further with what is lost due to moral injury, let’s look a little more at what the healthy, pre-injury human being looks like.  

I will share fresh insights which came to me this Sunday morning.  Janet keeps me listening to Krista Tippet’s “On Being” early on Sundays.  Today Tippet interviewed Ross Gay, whose bio includes this:  “
Ross is a founding board member of the Bloomington Community Orchard, a non-profit, free-fruit-for-all food justice and joy project.”  His comments on delights, justice, sports, gardening and other subjects are interesting, to say the least.  

Listen to the interview here, just scroll down until you find the interview.
Here is Ross Gay’s website: book titles, poems and essays.  “Loitering is Delightful” might intrigue you as it did me.  Gay helps us draw the circle of our caring ever larger, and see the good that comes from that. 
Thanks for the things you have written in response to my last post.  In general I think it’s good to share your thoughts with the whole list, but I do ask you to consider whether you want  to reply to “one” or “all.” 
Enjoy goodness,